stolen bike dynasty

Thursday, November 16, 2006

cory hates L.A.

So not only am I hoping that in real life USC beats CAL and UND , I am also praying that one of the L.A. teams in my Dynasty will beat STD infested Arizona St., so that Bama can play for the national title. Being on the West Coast I've grown to somewhat like L.A. I've become a USC fan (I'll go into this later) and have followed the Kings and Clippers and have read on ton of books on LA culture. But the one thing that will always get to me about L.A. are the cars. Anyways as most of you knonw Christian Lander (I think I'm allowed to use his real name) is a happyWORKING, MARRIED, PROFESSIONAL who rides the buses and bikes all over L.A. Here's a decent rant onBike Riding . Anyways looks like Cory feels the same way about Los Angeles. Anyone who has partied in L.A. or has watched Swingers knows that half the night is spent riding in a car. So boring so lame. At the end of this clip Cory talks of why New York is better in L.A. I want to hate Cory, mostly because she doesn't use face wash, but she makes a valid point. Man her and Chris have so much in common.


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